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  • andyjamescreative

5 Tips for BEGINNER Creative Writers!

Have you ever had a wonderfully creative story swirling around your brain but have no idea how to put it to words? Or maybe you've written your story but have no clue where to go next or if it's worth sharing with anyone?

Well, it's your lucky day! Today I'm going to share 5 tips to help out beginner creative writers!

If you'd prefer to watch the tips in video form, you can do so here!

Tip Number 1:

Decide on how you like to write! For example: some people prefer to plan meticulously before they dive into the narrative, some people prefer to make it up as they go (both of which are completely valid). Some people might like a cup of tea or a little snack to nibble at while they write, some people might not (though I don't trust anyone who writes without a cuppa at least)

If you can figure out these things that help you get into the zone of writing, it will make it easier for you jump back in whenever you take a break. Grammar and syntax and all that fancy stuff is useless if you can't get something on the page to start with.

I personally like to listen to Lo-fi music while I write as I'm a bit of a multitasker and having something else for my brain to consume while I write is very helpful to stop me from getting distracted, and without lyrics the soft music keeps me on track!

Tip Number 2:

Don't feel pressured to finish every piece you start. It's okay, especially when you're just starting out, to bounce around and explore different genres or writing styles (like first or third person, etc) and just see what you enjoy! Not everything needs to be a fully fleshed out novel. On top of that, not every writer writes novels, you might prefer to write short stories, or maybe prose! Experiencing and deciding what type of writing suits you can and should be really fun, so don't pressure yourself to finish a piece you're not enjoying.

Tip Number 3:

Leading from Tip 2: never delete anything longer than a sentence, even if you absolutely hate it! You never know when it might come in handy. I prefer to keep all my deleted scenes and ideas in a separate document that I can look back at when I need to. Maybe it won't all come to good use, but at the very least it can be cool to see how far you've come in your writing!

Tip Number 4:

Write what you know, and research what you don't. Everyone knows the phrase "write what you know" and I agree with it to an extent. The creative world would be pretty boring if no one ever wrote outside of their personal perspective. If you're keen on writing something from a person, place, or time period you're not too familiar with, google is your best friend! (And libraries and people are your second best friend). We have a whole database of knowledge at our fingertips, we may as well use it! If you want to dig really deep, check out your local libraries archives, or interview your grandparents or people who might have lived through some of what you want to write.

Tip Number 5

Don't be afraid to ask for help. I know it can be scary, especially online, to ask people for help. Sometimes Facebook groups can be brutal. But I promise you there's pockets of people who want to help you on your writing journey! It's okay if you don't want to share your whole piece with people and you just need help with formatting a sentence or something little. Not everyone is writing for the general public to consume so it's okay to keep things private until you're ready. But if you're struggling with your writing, please reach out!

And with that I leave you. I hope these tips might help somebody who's just starting out, and if not well, that's fine too.

If you have any questions, please feel free to leave comments, I am always happy to help out!

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Thanks for reading!

Until next time,



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